#86 - The Grape Toss - 1986
Jeff and I were bored one day and happened to have a bag of grapes. For some wacky reason we decided to go out to the street out front and I would throw a grape and he'd catch it in his mouth. We started out at about 5 feet and each time he'd catch one we'd take a step backwards. Eventually he was three houses down the street. I would throw the grape as hard as I could and he'd stand there waiting then at the last second lunge for the grape. He couldn't see them in flight so he'd wait and wait and at the last second try for the catch, I had to get the grape within a few feet of him for him to have a chance. A couple of times he missed and the grape would nail one of his teeth and we'd have to wait for a few minutes while he let the excessive pain subside. At our furthest point, we walked off the distance and it was nearly 170 feet. We looked up the world record in Guiness and it was in the 180's.
We never again did this, but I'm convinced with training and prescription safety goggles for Jeff we could have gotten that record.